Hi I'm Francis!
I was abandoned and separated from my mama & littermates at just 4 weeks old because my hind legs were paralyzed.
I was scheduled for euthanasia the day I arrived at the shelter, but my New Life Animal Rescue friends saved me!
Several veterinarians suggested euthanasia because of the work it would take to care for me, but my friends at New Life Animal Rescue didn't give up on me!
I went to underwater treadmill therapy and I eventually was able to walk a little. My rescue friends got me a cart so I could run, and my foster mommy helped me every day. She always knew how much exercise I was up for, and she gave me gentle encouragement to keep moving!
My New Life Animal Rescue family gave me the chance at a happy life, filled with lots of love. My foster mommy says I was HER baby.
Sadly, I was only on this earth for 2 short years, but we packed a lifetime of love and memories into that time! Without New Life Animal Rescue I would have died alone in the shelter as a tiny scared baby, never knowing love.
Sometimes rescue means letting your heart get broken, having to say goodbye way too soon. But it's so worth it when it means giving a pup like me the chance to know what LOVE is.
That's what New Life Animal Rescue is all about.
If you'd like to help New Life Animal Rescue save more special needs animals in Francis' honor, tax-deductible donations can be made here